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Many of our services are structured into our “360º  program” for change. For instance, our “Transit 8” Pre-marital program is a full-bodied 8 session program that covers everything you possibly need to address as a couple before tieing the knott. Or, our “Tell it Like it is” program is a structured 10-session Assertiveness program guaranteed to deliver results by a given date. Being assertive is an important communication skill which can reduce your levels of depression and anxiety and improve your self esteem. This programmed approach allows you to plan ahead and determine the frequency of sessions per week, especially when you need to reach a goal by a particular day — maybe its for that new job/position, upcoming important interview, re-entering the dating scene and much more. With Mind By Design™ our services cater to your needs, thus if open-ended therapy for many different issues is the right fit for you then we are here to help you Heal and Upgrade in that manner. If you prefer the structure of our flexible and customizable programs then please inquire about all the areas we can assist you with through our CBT-based “360 degree” programs. Whether it is self-esteem, anxiety, depression, body dysmorphia, eating disorders, procrastination, and so much more, our approach will  ensure that you could predict your outcome in a certain amount of time, giving you piece of mind and something great to look forward to.



For more information or to book a session, kindly see below for upcoming events or call one of our intake specialists at (888) 482-7265. We’ll match you with the right therapist/coach for your needs and location. If you require someone to come to your home instead, or if you require safe and secure on-line sessions please feel free to book via email or at the above number as well. 

If this is your first appointment please allocate up to 90 minutes for your discovery session/assessment. During your first appointment, your therapist/coach will begin with inquiring about your reason and motivation to seek help, as well as, gathering details  about your life which will assist to put your issues and concerns in context. The second part of your appointment typically involves a structured diagnostic interview. Your therapist will ask a series of detailed questions regarding various symptoms and other difficulties. A second appointment may be required to complete this interview. At the end of your first appointment and/or during the next one, your therapist will provide feedback about the results of the assessment and make recommendations for treatment or further assessment. If your therapist believes that the services we offer are appropriate for your needs, she/he will discuss the details of your treatment plan. If your therapist does not feel that our services are appropriate for your needs, she/he will suggest other resources. 

At the beginning of therapy it is usually important to meet your therapist once per week to establish consistency and to ensure lasting change. Regardless of your area of concern, as you learn to apply the appropriate techniques, you will gradually require less contact with your therapist. Once you have become more confident with the techniques you learn in your sessions, the time between your appointments will likely be increased to once every two weeks or once each month. The goal is to help you become self-reliant in the maintenance of your own mental health.


Individual, Couples, Family Therapy: Discovery Sessions/Assessments:- 90-120 minutes; Regular psychotherapy sessions: 45-55 minutes. These sessions begin weekly and can change to bi-weekly and/or monthly, depending on the client’s rate of improvement. Depending on the multitude of issues, severity and depth of issues, consistency of visits, commitment from the client, and willingness to change, sessions can run from 8-20 sessions.

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