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  • tiffany9561

Attention Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

Most people have heard or are aware of the term ADHD. It is most commonly known as a childhood disorder, however, many adults experience ADHD or similar symptoms and never get diagnosed. This is because the signs and symptoms of the disorder can be difficult to identify in adults due to its unusual presentation and unique circumstances for each individual. It can cause difficulty functioning at home, at work and in social situations and can become more severe when under stress.

There are three types of ADHD that children or adults could be diagnosed with, predominantly inattentive, predominantly hyperactive/impulsive and combined. Therefore, the variation of symptoms is often skewed towards the type of ADHD that an individual has. Some common symptoms can include but are not limited to daydreaming or zoning out, forgetfulness, restlessness, fidgeting, having difficulty in social situations or struggling to contain impulses and lack of concentration/focus. ADHD is considered to have a large genetic component and is considered to be well managed with therapy and/or medications. If these symptoms seem relevant to you, consider reaching out and determining if you may have adult ADHD.

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